Australian Debt Recoveries: Is Vodafone chasing you for bills?

If you’re being chased by Australian Debt Recoveries, then pay attention. This is serious stuff that could have ramifications for your future.

A lot of debt collectors in Australia are becoming smarter in hunting their pray. That is – people who are avoiding the obligations to repay money that they owe.

Vodaphone often hands of their debt collection activities to Australian Debt Recoveries to recover money that YOU owe them due to unpaid bills.

In this guide, we’ll be sharing our thoughts about this.

Australian Debt Recoveries Vodaphone

What’s probably happened here is that you’ve forgotten to pay a past bill. Maybe you’ve even moved to Telstra or Optus because the service or new plan deals might have been better.

The problem is that you still owe money to Vodaphone for your last bills and maybe a termination fee. They’ve tried to get in touch with you to collect on this.

Australian Debt Recoveries Vodaphone

Failing that, Australian Debt Recoveries now takes over to try and collect the money. Harassment and bullying are common with debt collectors, though we haven’t heard of reports of this happening with this bunch.

Even if it’s just a few hundred dollars, the challenge is your credit history can now be affected. This isn’t good news if you’re looking to buy a house or get yourself a new car.

In fact, let’s look at some facts regarding this situation now.

Australian debt recoveries complaints

Clearly some people aren’t happy with the conduct of Australian Debt Recoveries and do leave complaints and negative reviews online. It seems some of their staff can be rude or unhelpful, but at the same time, some people also do have some good experiences with them.

Can they take me to court?

It’s very unlikely that this company will take you to Court over the matter. This is because the debt amounts that they deal with are often relatively small, not big. Like a few hundred or a few thousand dollars. When they add the legal fees on top, there won’t be enough profit for them.

Should I talk to Vodafone?

Yes – you can talk to Vodafone over the matter. Quote a reference number that was given to you and they might be able to help give you more information about the matter.

Australian Debt Recoveries text message

Did you get a message from Australian Debt Recoveries? It probably said something like “Please contact Australian Debt Recoveries urgently about this personal matter”. It’s got to do with unpaid bills that you’ve fallen behind on or merely forgotten about.

SMS text message from Australian Debt Recoveries

Where did they get my details?

When you first took out your phone or internet service, the service provider got all of that information. They are legally allowed to pass it on to these debt collectors in order for them to carry out their job. Even if you move house or change employers, they have sophisticated ways to track you down with software and stalking your Facebook or Instagram accounts. We’re not lying – this happens every day!

How can you help?

The Debt Free Community can help by recommending you to our mediation service. It’s a FREE recommendation so you can discover if you’re able to get out of this or not.

Next steps

You cannot ignore what’s happening. Make a response before it gets much worse.

They can:

  1. Put a black mark on your credit report (Not good!)
  2. Add additional interest, fees and charges to the debt.
  3. Call you up to 9pm at night, even on weekends (Scary!)
  4. Continue sending you letters of demand for payments.

That can all end if you address the root cause of the issue. Speak to them or use our recommended team, so you can get on with your life.

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